Branding Guide and Design System

03 Brand Marks


The pinnacle is an important element of our branding. As we work to build brand awareness, it’s important to present the pinnacle in the context of the Essendant logo. This connection will help reinforce the association of the pinnacle to the Essendant name.

In the rare instances that the pinnacle is used on its own, follow these guidelines.
Do provide ample space for the pinnacle to stand on its own when displaying it.


Don’t stretch, squash, rotate or distort the pinnacle in any manner.

Pinnacle as a Background Element

Occasionally, we use the pinnacle in PowerPoint presentations, emails, trade show exhibits and more as a powerful design element.
Do use the pinnacle as a stand-alone element tastefully and sparingly.



Don’t rotate the pinnacle, use it as an “A” (except for the approved usage in our logo) or an arrow, combine it with other graphics, or use it as a repeating pattern.



Pinnacle as an End Page Element

Our logomark may be used as a way to end a video or PowerPoint presentation, since it follows information that establishes the Essendant brand.
Do use the pinnacle at the conclusion of a presentation.



Don’t begin a presentation with a pinnacle or pair it with unapproved language.




Occasionally, we team up with other brands for projects, trade shows, etc. Here are some rules to follow when creating co-branded logo lockups.
Do create a balanced lockup that allows enough space for each logo to breathe and stand on its own. We prefer to display logos inline, but if not possible, use a stacked format.
Don’t design lockups where logos are out of scale, unbalanced or too close.